

We offer work and development opportunities in the international timber industry.
Professional education or experience would be an advantage, but are not required for taking up a job position. If you are prepared to contribute your time, energy, and talent, you are important and necessary to us.
Our workforce is multinational and diverse. If necessary, we can accommodate our employees in a newly renovated dormitory located on the premises of the company.



In our production department, experience can be gained on using a wide variety of woodworking machinery.

Mechatronics specialists, electricians, automation specialists, and locksmiths will find a placement in our technology department.

Online Job Application

We look forward to your job application and assure, that we will treat your application discreetly and confidentially. If you wish to be contacted in a different way than through the e-mail address you have provided, please full in the contact field.

1. Personal information

2. Free text (not obligatory)

Why do you apply for a job with Dold Puidutööstus


3. Enclosures

CV or similar (in PDF, DOC, DOCX, JPG, PNG) Maximum 5 MB

Note: We use the personal data you provide to respond to inquiries, process orders or provide you with access to certain information. You can revoke your consent at any time by e-mail. Detailed information on the handling of user data can be found in our privacy policy.